Watch This to Celebrate Black Mothers

On April 10th President Biden officially proclaimed April 11th through April 17, 2023, as Black Maternal Health Week to raise awareness of the state of Black maternal health in the United States. As the week comes to a close, I wanted to shine a light on all Black Mothers by giving you a guide on some series and films that help explain why awareness is so very important

As a new mom myself, I can't tell you how demeaning it felt to have to inform my husband during my pregnancy how important it was to advocate for me because mothers of color are dying at an alarming rate. In fact, the most recent CDC report shows in 2021, Black women's rates rose from 55 to almost 70 deaths per 100,000 live births. While Black women gave birth less in 2021, they still died at higher rates, according to the data.
The first time I heard about these alarming statistics was actually from my mother back in 2019. She was watching an episode of "The Resident" on Fox
The plot line of the mother is inspired by the real life events of Kira Johnson, who died after experiencing complications from a routine C-section on April 13, 2016. Her family now advocates with an organization called 4Kira4Moms to make sure what happened to Kira never happens again.

You can watch this episode (Season 2 episode 20) on Hulu
From *Based on a True Story* to an actual Documentary, I highly recommend "AfterShock"(2021)
Following the deaths of two young women due to childbirth complications, two bereaved families galvanize activists, birth-workers and physicians to reckon with one of the most pressing American crises today: the US maternal health crisis.
Basic Black: Black Maternal Health (PBS)
Despite all the modern advances in medical care, pregnancy and birthing can put women of color at high risk. Advocates are breaking down systemic racism within maternal health care and proposing new initiatives towards doula services, establishing birth centers, and support to decrease infant mortality rates.
Watch this Talk Show Style episode right now, Here on PBS
I encourage you to take some time out of your day to watch these programs and educate yourself on these devastating facts. Our pregnancies are ALL important, our LIVES are all important.